Congratulations to the winners of the POC "Tribute to Le Mans" photo contest.
The winners will receive a fantastic photo enlargement of their “Tribute to Le Mans” entry from David Moore of RaceCarShots.com:
1st Prize: “Tech Trix RSR lapping traffic”
2nd Prize: “Team Makin-Bacon bring home the Gold”
3rd Prize: “Mike Takaki Team Mid-Pack Crisis”
Winners of the giveaways from our generous Photo Contest Co-Sponsors:
Mechanix Wear is giving away a gear bag to MHOLGATE and from Werks II SOGELEGOS will take home their choice of Sparco “Journey” bag or “Backpack”.
Mechanix Wear is giving away a gear bag to MHOLGATE and from Werks II SOGELEGOS will take home their choice of Sparco “Journey” bag or “Backpack”.
Make sure you check out the winning entries for the POC "Tribute to Le Mans" photo contest here - they're awesome!